LOCATION: TJ CALLAHANS DATE: DEC 9, 2024 TIME: 7:00PM RSVP BY DEC 5, 2024 to email: Adj@vfw8164.org
Location: TJ CALLAHANS PUB CONF ROOM Date: 12/08/2024 TIME: 12:00PM POC: Quartermaster Renee Kephart
VFW Post 8164, Tewksbury Police and Fire Departments Color Guards and Rifle Team participated in Tewksbury's Veterans Day Ceremonies at the town common. We thank all citizens and Veterans who took the time to show up and participate in Thanking Veterans for their service to our Country.
During Veterans Day and November 2024, VFW Post 8164 is conducting our semi-annual fundraising drive " BUDDY POPPY". We ask all our friends, family, citizens and Veterans that are able to contribute to the fundraiser to do so via our VENMO account.
October 28, 2024 Location: St. William's Church Tewksbury; St. Mary's Cemetery Time: 10:00 Mass and Interment following
To Commemorate National POW/MIA Recognition Day on Friday, September 20, 2024, members of the Tewksbury's VFW Post 8164 and Tewksbury's Americal Legion Post 259 gathered at Tewksbury Town Hall to hold a brief ceremony.
See brochure for information on VFW Scholarships
Monday, July 22 @ 11:00AM to 12:00PM Memorial Hall at the State House. Exhibit will remain in display through 8/22/2024
July 25, 2024 Hanscom AFB Medical Squadron BLDG 1900 Patient/Victim Volunteers Needed 0730AM-1100AM
Boston City Hall Plaza Friday, September 20, 2024 8:00AM- 2:00PM Food-Music-Raffle-Prizes
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 3:00PM-7:00PM 130 Marshall Road, Lowell, MA
When: July 25 , 3-6PM Where: AMVETS POST 147, 576 Primrose Street, Haverhill, MA Scan QR Code on brochure to get event details and register
Call for volunteer escorts! Please see the below programs looking for major volunteer escort support. Volunteers must be in compliance for participation. More than 50 Volunteers needed for 7/3 Army Band! (Weather pending)
Call for volunteer escorts! Please see the below programs looking for major volunteer escort support. Volunteers must be in compliance for participation. More than 50 Volunteers needed for 9/5 Ricky Lee concert! (Weather pending)
CMDR Oliva message to Sponsors, donators and players
Our 2024 VFW Post 8164 Golf Tournament will be held in Merrimack Valley Golf Course on Monday, June 10, 2024. GOLF STATUS event website: events.golfstatus.com and search for 2024 VFW POST 8164 GOLF TOURNAMENT. Online you can sign-up for sponsorship, donations, player registration and other tournament extras.
CMDR Thank you message for all the work in MAY 2024
Applications are now open for apartments at Soldier On.
Location: Tewksbury Cemetery Date: 05/22/2024 Time: 1:00PM Need Volunteers
CMD Message of Thanks to all volunteers who took part in May 17, 2024 event from 11: 00 to 1:30PM!
Bedford VA Bdlg 61 Time: 10:00AM - 1:00PM
Event: Tewksbury Cemetery Clean up May 4,2024
List of Post events for May 2024
Date: May 4, 2024 Location: Tewksbury Cemetery EVENT: Community Cleanup at Tewksbury Cemetery in Preparation for Memorial Day Ceremony
Home Base and Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund invite you to help create Boston’s iconic Memorial Day Flag Garden tribute. Each of the 37,000+ American flags planted at the Soldiers and Sailors Monument this Memorial Day will represent every brave Massachusetts service member who gave his or her life defending our country since the Revolutionary War. The completed garden is a breathtaking tribute to the true meaning of Memorial Day and a powerful message of community support to the families of these fallen heroes that their sacrifices will never be forgotten. We literally need all the hands we can get to create this display.
April 5, 2024 from 9:00AM to 2:00PM
Date: Saturday, May 11th 07AM-3PM Location: Ayer Gun and Sportsman Club Open to: Veterans, family and friends MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO EVENT.
Colonial Barbers 211 N Main Street #3109, Andover, MA For ALL MILITARY PERSONNEL ACTIVE & RETIRED 2nd Wednesday of each month 10AM to 12PM NO CHARGE for 1st 12 Vets to make appointments
June 21, 2024 9am-3pm 69 Grove Street, Worcester, MA Phone: 800-482-2565 see brochure
FW Post 8164 kicks off their annual Still Serving by giving back to the community. Members and residents will gather at the Veterans section at Tewksbury Cemetery 172 East Street to clean up debris accumulated over the winter months in preparation of the Memorial Day Ceremony.
This is to advise all the Combat Veterans residing in the Town of Tewksbury that VFW Post 8164, is still conducting business in support of the community and Bedford VA. Meetings are held 2nd Monday of the month at the conference room in back of TJ Callahans Pub.
The VFW Post 8164 Auxiliary is looking for new members. If you are a family members or Veteran and wish to take part and become a member please reach out.
Event was held on 5/6/2023 at Tewksbury Cemetery
Join VFW Day of Service
Please read and support with your local representatives the bills outlined in body of this message.
Congratulaions to Tewksbury Memorial High School Senior, Brook Bunyun, who took second place in the State during the Voice of Democracy and Patriot Pen Banquet on Sunday, Feb.5. Brooke was sponsored by your VFW Post 8164 and its Auxiliary.
Tewnty-five years ago, dedication was made to the only national memorial ever built to all women who have served in and with America's Armed Forces. Women veterans from as early as World War I joined the masses assembled along Memorial Drive to celebrate the historic occasion.
The PCVI is a free humanities program that is open to all Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut veterans, regardless of age, deployment, disability, education and discharge status. The goal is to provide a meaningful intellectual community to veterans who are trying to process their thoughts and experiences, and grappling with readjustment to civilian life. We meet on Zoom on Monday and Thursday evenings, 6pm to 8pm. Our fall semester began in September, and ended in December, covering the ancient Greeks and the American Civil War. Our spring semester starts up on Monday night January 16th. We'll cover the world wars, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. We also take a variety of free field trips to area museums, historical societies and theaters. Those who participate are eligible to earn 6 college credits. Books and school supplies are free, and computer/internet assistance is available. In 2020 the PCVI won the "Innovation in the Humanities" award from the RI Council for the Humanities. (Go to out website FAQ page to download application PDF)
Thank you note to our sponsors, donators, participants and hosting golf venue for our 3rd annual golf tournament, conducted July 11, 2022.
The organization strives to preserve the memory of the Korean War and those who fought in it. With this goal in mind, our newest project, The website designed to create an online community that honors and memorializes the service of all those who fought in the Korean War. We hope to have profiles from all 22 participating nations in the war and eventually create lesson plans so that the Korean War has its rightful place in history classes across the country.
Please search in Facebook @VFWPOST8164 and click on "Follow" to join our Facebook page. Also share the page with your friends and family.
Our Post is actively recruiting combat Veterans as well as members to our Auxiliary for VFW Post 8164. If you live in or near Tewksbury, Ma. area and want to join our post to make a contribution to our community, promote patriotism, and assist Veterans residing in the Bedford VA Hospital please consider becoming a member of our post by calling 978.284.9880 or go online at vfw.org.
TEWKSBURY — After selling their building at 87 Vernon St., the Tewksbury VFW wants the general public to know that they are still meeting regularly and participating in town activities. VFW Commander Vin Oliva wants to remind their members that the VFW is retaining its charter and inform anyone thinking that they’ve stopped meeting otherwise.
The summary of the article
This is the lead summary.
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Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse at turpis scelerisque, tincidunt enim eu, dapibus dolor. Praesent in arcu aliquet, viverra ipsum sed, ultricies mauris.
Donec placerat egestas nibh, at euismod nibh sodales varius. Vestibulum sodales arcu quis elementum rhoncus. Nunc sollicitudin egestas augue a rhoncus.
WASHINGTON - On Jan. 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and i...
WASHINGTON - Last week, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Senio...