Reaching out into our communities is vital to our organization,
developing relationships with community leaders, media, school faculty
and local civic groups can greatly assist each post in achieving the VFW
mission. Join us and be part of our mission.
Reporting Your Activities
VFW Post and Department reporting must be completed
through Department Reporting Tool or Dashboard. The
deadline for Department reports to be submitted is June 30.
Definition of Community Service
Community Service as defined by the National Community
Service Trust Act "encompasses any human act serving the
common good; in the interest of the community.” Elsewhere,
community service is further defined as "a service that is
performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions.”
The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. subscribes to the
above but adds that, for the purposes of volunteer recognition,
VFW community service must be performed by and as a
representative of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and must be
performed for an organization outside the VFW and its
Auxiliaries and must be verified by an authorized
representative of that organization. As it is the intent of VFW
community service to impact a broad spectrum of the local
Awards are provided as follows:
1. 100 hours certificate
2. 150 hours lapel pin
3. 300 hours lapel pin
4. 500 hours lapel pin and certificate
5. 1,000 hours lapel pin
6. 2,000 hours lapel pin and certificate
7. 3,000 hours lapel pin
8. 4,000 hours lapel pin
9. 5,000 hours lapel pin and certificate
10. 6,000 hours lapel pin
11. 8,000 hours lapel pin
12. 9,000 hours lapel pin
13. 10,000 hours lapel pin and certificate
14. 12,500 hours lapel pin
15. 15,000 hours certificate
16. 17,500 hours certificate
17. 20,000 hours lapel pin and certificate
18. 30,000 hours certificate
19. 35,000 hours certificate
20. 50,000 hours lapel pin and certificate
The award pin includes the Cross of Malta, the words
"Community Service and VFW Volunteer” and the accumulated
volunteer hours. The certificate will recognize the volunteer for
attaining the appropriate cumulative hour level.
To be eligible for this recognition, an individual must:
• Be a VFW member in good standing performing volunteer
service for a community service organization.
• Such volunteer service must be given under the
representation of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Volunteer service rendered under sponsorship of any other
organization is not recognized for this purpose. Some examples
of volunteer work benefiting nonmembers are: coaching youth,
working at a food pantry, conducting flag presentations in front
of schools or youth groups and supporting funeral homes and
cemeteries by providing honor guard details for non-member
Our Post POC for Community Services is Steve Meltzer, email:
If you conduct any Community Service please provide Steve with email which includes the following information: